Some argue Discipleship should be that central organizing reality.
Missional would claim it is mission.
So which is it...or is it just a game of semantics?
After all - worship isn't really complete without discipleship and mission. The old..."worship as a lifestyle" phrase tries to capture that. And Discipleship isn't really happening if you aren't serving and worshipping...right? Mission...well, mission isn't sustainable if we're not worshipping...and it's not effective if we aren't growing disciples of Jesus.
But....if ONE WORD has to reign supreme....I'd like to argue that it be mission. Here is my thinking...
Worship has become too synonymous with what we do on Sunday. The idea of living lives of mission Monday - Saturday is too eaisly lost in when worship is at the top.
Discipleship is very holistic sounding....but like worship, mission can be eaisily lost in the shadows of personal growth (bible study - discplines - etc...).
Mission is what the church in America needs to reclaim and elevate in understanding and priority; so that our worship and discipleship are seen in context of mission....just like our theological understanding of God is framed by the "missio-dei" - the sending God.
If mission is the central organizing reality of the local gathered church...what changes?
What re-ordering is needed?
Do you even agree that the concept of mission (or sent-ness) should be elevated above worship and/or discipleship?