The host made this statement (and others like it) several times:
"the world is boring BUT Jesus is exciting." "the world is bad BUT Jesus (Jay-zzzusss) is good." "the world is dark BUT Jesus brings the light."
I don't get this thinking.
Who and What is the world and why is it boring, bad, and dark?
Is the world that scary place outside the church?
Is it where they show R-rated movies and serve hard liquor?
Is it where Korn and Boy George sing?
Seriously - can someone tell me what "the world" means and why we posture it as an antithetical to Jesus?
I continually find this sort of dualism in popular evangelical teaching. The idea that there is a sacred (Jesus) and a secular (the world) and we can lump just about whatever we want in any direction and make a case as to why it should be there. CCM is sacred because they sing about Jesus. Shawn Colvin is secular because she dropped the F-bomb in a song. Sacred = good Secular = bad.
I reject such thinking.
As it pertains to art, there is art that stirs you and art that doesn't. There is music played well and music played poorly. There is solid songwriting and there is crap songwriting.
I find Jesus in beauty - period.
Regardless of the artist's intention, motive, lifestyle, etc.... Jesus can indwell, work, and move through anything "the world" has to offer.
I want to integrate my life - not segregate it. I want to be surprised at the far-reaching power of Jesus - not limit Him to places where I find the christian fish symbol. I want to live in the world and take advantage of ALL it has to offer - not hide from it by calling it "secular."
Am I less of a follower of Jesus for this?