In 2012 things will feel different. God is doing new things…taking the Rock to new places. New means that several of the systems and structures and values that have carried us through 2011 will NOT be those we require in 2012…so get ready – get engaged – change is coming….again.
In 2012 our interactions will ooze innovation – creativity – dialog – strategy – and support. There will be no room for cynicism – back–biting – complaining – toxic – immaturity.
In 2012 we will continue to take risks – to think differently – to move beyond existing comfort zones of thought and behavior.
In 2012 we will grow more self aware – and even more others aware. We will give and receive feedback and our communication will be marked by truth and kindness.
In 2012 lines of power and authority will flatten. May the best idea win….regardless of who initiates it.
In 2012 we will work harder and smarter. Smarter = more disciplined and focussed.
In 2012 the motivation to excel and deliver will be internal far more than external. Apathy will not be tolerated.
What can you expect? First – everything stated above will be ruthlessly modeled by me and your department heads. If it isn't – you have my permission to appropriately call it out. Second – I am working with our Dept Heads to evaluate Creative department structures in light of where God is taking us (Multi-Site / On-Line Church). Things will likely change in every dept. Finally – development and coaching will be far more intentional than in 2011. Your growth and development is as critical as your productivity and responsibility.
Get ready – 2012 will be as incredible as you choose to make it.